By Toothy_Peg - 13/06/2009 15:13 - Australia

Today, I got a meat pie for lunch. I bit into it and felt something hard. I spat it out. It was a tooth. I checked my mouth in a panic and discovered, with mixed feelings of relief and horror, that the tooth wasn’t mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 213
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everwaiting 0

Face it, darlin', you're stuck in an on-street production of Sweeney Todd and there's no way out...

omg where did you get the meat pie? Can't you complain and get your money back or press charges? FYL


fireandice92 0

Did u try the priest? Cuase the trouble w/ poet is how do u kno its deceased? Lol say hi to mrs lovett!

nammz 0

dang it, all the good Sweeney Todd jokes have already been taken

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20
flumpymoose 0

That's way more than just mildly revolting. = My mother found a dead bee in her food once. Not very appetizing. FYL indeed.

Riotous 0

Props to #23 for being awesome/smart enough to bring Jonathan Swift into this... that made my day

lol, wow... sweeny todd much?? i fricken love that movie!!

bosco_kk 0

You know,, business needs a lift, debts to be erased, think of it as trift, as a gift....if you get its drift... seems an awful waste, I mean, with the price of meat what it is...when you get it...if you get it... Good you got it, take for instance Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop. Business never better using only pussycats and a pussy is good for six or seven at the most....and I'm sure they wont compare as far as taste!! Lol yes Sweeney Todd Fan. And fyl.

What is that? It's priest, have a little priest, Is it really good? Sir, it's too good at least! Haha. Sweeney Todd.

Oh god!!! That's like something from Sweeney Todd!!


Haha Help me everytime I try to make an FML it says "variable author missing" HELPPP ME!?

Ew FYL. That happened to my friend with a school taco. Never eating our school lunches again.