By Tal - 26/04/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I got kicked in the face at a soccer game. Everybody clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 659
You deserved it 9 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dumbarse when a player gets injured in sports and gets up ok, people clap because the you're ok.


blah_whatever123 0
burtonboard97 0

ur such an idiot. they clapped when you got up to show that they care. parents always clap when you are okay.

As a few other people pointed out, it's common to clap after a player is injured to give that player their support. I'm surprised you didn't already know that.

ahahahaha ownt. FYL, still quite hilarious

dude, when somebody gets hurt in a sport the people clap, meaning your a good sport. geez, even i know that..

others explained what the clappin was about and about the kick itself: hey soccer players are hot so chin up... (unless it hurts too much then keep it down... =P)

MukyDaCookie 0

I wanted to be the one to point out that spectators clap at a sprting event when a downed player gets up to show respect for them and that they are happy they can resume play. But like 5 people beat me to it :(

#11 - what is your problem? do you realize what a douche comment that was? go back and read it. please.

maybe they were laughing at something slighty to the side of your beaten face =D...or they just hate you

actonthat 0

How did this get past the moderators? In every sport, even in professional sports, you clap after an injured player gets up. This place really needs some reasonably intelligent mods. Lately... ugghhh.