By Tal - 26/04/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I got kicked in the face at a soccer game. Everybody clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 659
You deserved it 9 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dumbarse when a player gets injured in sports and gets up ok, people clap because the you're ok.


fmlfmlfml15 0

maybe the OP didnt know why they were clapping. the OP was probably too upset from the kick he must have thought "oh great now they're clapping". or maybe the OP did something to deserve it idk

um dude in soccer people clap if you get hurt. its a normal thing and it means thats alright or whatever.

SmoothTalker 0

If this is Cristiano Ronaldo, then this would all make sense and everybody should click YDI :-D

Yea the clapping in soccer's not because they were cheering that you got hurt. It's sort of a respectable applause for you being a good sport and playing the game with all you got. It's more to cheer you up than to make fun of you, haha. I got kicked in the face too while headbutting a ball into the goal, one of my contact lens was pulled out onto the guy's sock, people clapped for me when i got up as well (well, i did make the goal but i thought i was going blind for a second there, haha).

LMAO Oh man you must really not be liked or your face saved your team from a play or goal? This is too funny. I've had the ball hit me in the face, but not the people clapping. ..This is a classic!

HAHA, this ones good. You got owned.

Was I the only one who read this as a fan getting kicked in the face? Because that would be a whole lot more FML-worthy in my opinion.

#12 - Exactly When people get hit, and they end up being alright, people clap.

meningless 0

ummm... thats what happens when you stand up after recovering. common kindness