By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 22:49 - United States - Belmont

Today, I walked outside to see my boyfriend standing on my porch, looking confused. He explained to me that he had attached a prom proposal note to his pet rabbit, and let it inside my house to find me. We went looking for said rabbit, and found my dog halfway through eating it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 313
You deserved it 5 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor bunny :( That's a pretty unique way of asking someone to prom. Usually they use dogs or cats for the note. Did she go to prom with u at least?

kakakarotcake 17

Your boyfriend should have thought that through. poor rabbit


Bugs Bunny vs. Spike (Tom and Jerry bulldog) :(

BlueFlatts 20

Except I thing Bugs Bunny would have won that fight. This bunny, sadly, didn't stand much of a chance.

Looks like that rabbit is going to be late *puts on sunglasses* for a very important date. Yeeaaahhh *cue music*

Your sunglasses are in the wrong spot, should've been before late.

Maccaroney 11

I disaggree #76. I think she did a fine job.

That's so sad, I don't want to even make a joke about this. I'm a little surprised no one heard anything though since rabbits can scream.

have you checked the dog for rabbis.

cryssycakesx3 22

why would you check for that dumbass, the dog would only contract that if the rabbit had rabies, which it didnt if it was a pet (unless it was a new rabbit that came from a bad place, or wild one, but sooooo unlikly)

smc3106 25

Great job letting that one go over your head #72! Also, before you call someone a dumbass, you should probably check what you're saying. Unlikely*

I agree fyl for having a bf that dumb

meli1195 31

Dumb? Even if OP's bf knew she had a dog, I don't think he would have assumed the dog would kill the bunny. I myself don't see most domesticated animals as viscous.

Axel5238 29

Agreed, if he knew the OP had a dog why would he do it. It's pretty dumb not to think about that a head of time. Cute idea, but knowing OP had a dog I'm guessing and didn't think about it is just wow. Poor bunny.

Axel5238 29

Dogs have been used for hunting for this reason to kill a wounded animal. Even most domesticated that are predators would do the same. Even if OP didn't have a dog still a bad idea if the rabbit started chewing on wires. Sweet sentiment though, though still dumb and not well thought out.

jaellin 18

I don't understand why he even thought the rabbit would go find her. I had a bunny once and when he was let loose he hopped behind the couch and stayed there. He sure wouldn't have been able to "go find" someone. Maybe I just had a dumb bunny though.

rinoa_fml 10

How can people not understand basic things about animals, such as dog = carnivore, predator and rabbit = herbivore, prey?

I should hope that if he's proposing he would know whether or not she had a dog. And if you think that a dog would not eat a rabbit that it didn't grow up with (and I imagine that even one that it did grow up with) you are extremely stupid.

it was a prom proposal not a marriage proposal

Did he not know that you had a dog? They generally like hunting and killing smaller things... I know from experience unfortunately, my mum's dog has caught three rabbits while out walking. It's sad :-(

TheDrifter 23

Wolves eat rabbits and greatly enjoy hunting them. So, somewhere in their instincts, dogs do too.