By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 22:49 - United States - Belmont

Today, I walked outside to see my boyfriend standing on my porch, looking confused. He explained to me that he had attached a prom proposal note to his pet rabbit, and let it inside my house to find me. We went looking for said rabbit, and found my dog halfway through eating it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 313
You deserved it 5 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor bunny :( That's a pretty unique way of asking someone to prom. Usually they use dogs or cats for the note. Did she go to prom with u at least?

kakakarotcake 17

Your boyfriend should have thought that through. poor rabbit


FYL? F that poor rabbit's life. :( I'd feel sorry for your boyfriend if he wasn't such an idiot.

it's still a nice thing to do regardless, op's boyfriend probably knew the answer, but just wanted to do something sweet

It's called being romantic. It's like saying I LOVE YOU to your girlfriend only once a month or year simply cos she's already your girl

aww poor rabbit, the idea was nice thought and your bf sounds nice

I don't know I mean my friend Ross had a girlfriend for two years and didn't even wanna take we to prom. She then without being asked assumed and bought her dress and got it fitted and it was just a mess.

Did the rabbit at least say, "What's up, Doc"?