By littlemissgullible - 10/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I was talking to an ex who I still love. He told me how much he wanted to see me, how much he missed me, and we started talking about when we could spend the day at his house. I mentioned Saturday, and he said, "I can't, I have to take my fiancée to the doctor's to find out our baby's sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 174
You deserved it 8 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he may 'miss you' as a friend rather then wanting you as a girlfriend which case, get over it and move on. He obviously did. HOWEVER, if that isn't the case and he's just a two-timing asshole, you just got warned of it before jumping in again. Either way, where is the FML? You are better off without him. :/

MyThoughtsR 0

wow lol. that's a pretty high level of scumbaggery!


he never said he wanted to be more than friends, just that he missed you and wanted o spend time with you. that's hardly cheating. ydi for thinking otherwise.

This is only an FML if you don't actually go and see him. Unfortunately, I know girls dumb enough to go see the guy no matter what he did or who he was with.

YDI Plus he doesn't love you as he has a fiancee. He wants you as a friend. Stop being stupid. You don't need to have a child. You'll scare civilization back to the days when we were cavemen.

Yeah, obviously you've never heard of infidelity.

@20 I am a smart person. My class rank is five out of 600. haha :P

Okay, snick and you other people that are obsessed over spelling and/or grammar need to get over it. Not everybody can understand every little detail of grammar in the english language.

koco4 0

Yeah I agree. Also, there are people all over the world on here and English may not be their first language.

@20 I'm smart, and I can convince you in 3 languages ;)

I'm smart, and can convince you in 3 languages ;)