By littlemissgullible - 10/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I was talking to an ex who I still love. He told me how much he wanted to see me, how much he missed me, and we started talking about when we could spend the day at his house. I mentioned Saturday, and he said, "I can't, I have to take my fiancée to the doctor's to find out our baby's sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 174
You deserved it 8 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he may 'miss you' as a friend rather then wanting you as a girlfriend which case, get over it and move on. He obviously did. HOWEVER, if that isn't the case and he's just a two-timing asshole, you just got warned of it before jumping in again. Either way, where is the FML? You are better off without him. :/

MyThoughtsR 0

wow lol. that's a pretty high level of scumbaggery!


burnquist764 0

Oh, to those people who hate improper grammar, you'd better relax. I prefer when people speak intelligently, but it's not worth it to flip out on anyone who doesn't speak or type properly. It's best to just ignore it rather than die of some stress related condition.

Ugh, I hate people like that, too bad there's too many like that in this world. FYL.

xundria 5

For the grammar nazis: the use of incorrect grammar does not make you unintelligent. In saying anyone who doesn't use correct grammar is stupid, you're calling Albert Einstein stupid. Yes using correct grammar makes you seem more intelligent, but unless the person's post is composed of complete nonsense then leave it alone.

xundria 5

As for the post, if the man wanted to cheat then he wouldn't have mentioned his fiancée or his soon-to-be child. Yes, infidelity is popular today; however, he wouldn't have been that truthful if that were his intentions. He just missed the OP in a manner of friends. The op just took it the wrong way and is now looking for sympathy. YDI.

Simply because he was honest does not mean the OP misinterpreted what was said. A person can have the intention to cheat on their partner and actually be honest to the person whom they wish to cheat with. Also, when a person really does love someone it can be painfully difficult to 'move on'. He said he missed her, so I assume he has not completely moved on either, regardless of fiance and future child.

xundria 5

That can be true as well, that being said I'm in the OPs shoes about having trouble of moving on from an ex as well. I wouldn't cheat on my s/o (if I were dating someone) regardless of the fact that I'm still in love with her. Then again no one is the same. I also refuse to be in a relationship with someone I can't give my all to. I don't want to lead anyone on. But I'm not the OPs ex, so I can't really speak for him.

Also, consider that the OP obviously dated the guy, so the OP should know if he and or she are cheating douchebags (as everyone seems to point out). Obviously he would know if she was/wasn't O.K. with the kind of low life actions it takes to hook up with your ex when a wife and soon to be child are involved on either side of the affair. I am assuming that the OP is not O.K. with that or this FML would have read: "Today I had sex with my ex while he was supposed to be finding out the sex of his baby with his new fiance. FHL." I can assume the implied FML her is that the OP only at the end of the conversation, after the baby disclosure realized as we do, he was obviously not thinking of them "getting together" in the same terms as her. Which in itself could be a quite disappointing situation. Just a thought.

iamelrebel 0

he probably thought you guys were just going to hang out as friends.

gloriakerryus 0

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I don't think there anything wrong with the guy. he'd be douch if he didn't tell you and cheated on his fiancée with you. and I he ment he misses you as a person not his partner. noam would be stupid enough to plan to cheat in that moment and then mention all that. he's moved on (clearly) why don't you.

you should come a long just to show the fiancée how much a douchenozzle she's marrying.

anti_average 5

Intelligence is measured in comprehensive ability (How easily you can interpret and understand new information) not by what you already know. That's called knowledge. I never really understood the proper use of whom though... =[ I do like smart people, and also smart asses. It's funny how she gets all of you so riled up!