By blarghhhh - 28/02/2016 14:58 - United States - Owosso

Today, I woke up with the flu. My wife thinks I'm faking it so we don't have to go on date night, even though I've been on the toilet all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 049
You deserved it 1 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Unless you have a habit of faking illnesses or cancelling dates for bogus reasons, it was kinda asshole-ish of him not to trust you. And even then, if you are crying and begging for the hospital, refusing is potentially putting your health at risk due to his own anger. I'm glad he is taking care of you now though...he better have apologized! Anyways, I hope your recovery goes smoothly. Appendicitis seriously sucks! xD


Is she super paranoid, do you get sick often and have to cancel, or have you tried to fake your way out of dates before, FYL for the first two, YDI if the last.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

If you've faked sick before to get out of dates, YDI. If you haven't, it sucks, I hope you've promised to make it up to her. feel better soon

blissfully_me 16

I'm always curious as to why the americans call gastroenteritis "flu" or "stomach flu". The flu is like a severe cold - congestion, sore throat, muscle aches and pains. It doesn't cause diarrhoea and vomiting.

saffy66 34

I had the same thought. It's always confusing to hear Americans say they have the flu when they're throwing up a storm. I just figured it must be some type of flu we Aussies don't often have over here.

neuronerd 28

American here. I get irritated when someone calls a stomach bug or food poisoning, "the flu." It's like, if a friend or family member tells me they have the flu, I'll bring by tissues and soup, but that'sounds of no help if they're exploding out both ends.

Um, there is such a thing as the stomach flu, in fact gastroenteritis IS the stomach flu and is often just called flu for short. It doesn't have to be just cold symptoms. The flu actually has a variety symptoms and can include, high fever, muscles aches, cough, headache, chills, loss of appetite, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, stomach ache, diarrhea, and nausea. However, if it's the actual regular flu, and not the stomach flu(gastroenteritis), it will last more than a few days, usually about 7-10. Where's the stomach flu usually lasts only a day or 2. There is no such thing as the "24hr flu," if it only lasts this long, it's most likely food poisoning.

kyu_Q 19

the flu can cause diarrhea which adds to you dehydration. its happened to me before after taking the flu shot.

Sorry, but your husband sounds like a complete asshole. Apologizing after the fact and taking care of you now is too little too late if you ask me.

Although you could have just taken a taxi or call the ambulance: Wtf?? This is just horrible. Who enjoys a date night when your partner is sitting there crying and in pain even if it was fake? And who fakes it to the degree of wanting to go to a hospital? This also reminds me a little bit of those studies which say that even doctors don't take women in pain that seriously.

I've noticed that when it comes to going to the doctors, men tend to be more likely to put it off until they have to be dragged and women will go in for just about everything. Just a broad observation, plenty of people buck the trend, it's just what I've noticed.

Whatever you have, it's not the flu. The flu is a respiratory illness. Sorry, but it drives me bonkers when people use "flu" as a catch-all for illnesses. FYL. Your wife's a bitch for not being more understanding.

The flu, while it is a respiratory illness, does not mean it comes with only respiratory symptoms, look up the symptoms of influenza. It can include anything from, high fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, chills, loss of appetite, fatigue, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, a stomach ache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Also, there is such a thing as "the stomach flu" technical term, gastroenteritis. Not the same as regular influenza, but it is still referred to as the flu, or "stomach flu" as a broad term to describe it, often even in the medical community.

That irks the shit out of me, too. Especially since people may be under the mistaken impression that a flu shot is any help whatsoever in protecting them from rotavirus. Not sure how or why people started calling it "flu" in the first place... My guess is that maybe no one wanted to say they have "winter vomiting bug" or "[are] unceremoniously expelling various digestive products from both ends" and so "flu" just became a polite euphemism/excuse.

I know your feels, man. I'm still getting over the stomach flu. >.< most stomach symptoms have passed, but I'm weak as hell and am falling asleep as much as an elderly person.