
By BoringFucker - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend openly mocked me, calling me an idiot for thinking seahorses are real. She insists that they're like unicorns, and only exist in fiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 344
You deserved it 4 841

Top comments

saIty 17

Show her Spongebob and she will believe in seahorses. *Possibly even talking sponges, starfishes, crabs, squids, and even whales.. Results may vary*

thinkPlNK 0

unicorns exist. you just have to stick a cone in the center of a horses' head. :D


thinkPlNK 0

unicorns exist. you just have to stick a cone in the center of a horses' head. :D

hahachun 4

Manbearpig exists too. Giggity.

Namerkp2 8

All you have to do is crossbreed a narwhale and a horse: there you go a unicorn :D

ryry013 6

I love manbearpigs! They're so friendly, and they love fruit

thinkPlNK 0

haha, this reminds me of that episode on Spongebob about the Sea Bear that will kill you unless you draw a circle around you :D

traze 7

Is it me or does the post say "me me"?!(O-O)

traze 7

**** they changed it...I still have a snapshot tho...Anywho op your girl is a moron.

Hey #1 I always thought that to make a Unicorn a person would use 1 cob of CORN instead of a CONE on a horse's head! o well lol

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Of course unicorns exist. They exist in stories!

Sparks808 10

Beavcoon's exist too. But seriously... Just google sea horses for her and say, "what now, bitch, what now?" or forget that last part.

chubby_choco 17
LaColombianita 26

This guy came into my work last night and ordered an ice cream cone. Then he asked me if I believe in unicorns so I said "no, why? Do you see one?" and he smashed his cone on his forehead and drove off...

What the **** is a horse? Is that like a cross between a unicorn and a donkey?

What the **** is a horse? Is that like a cross between a unicorn and a donkey?

Imagine what she'd think of sea cucumbers.

A quick visit to an aquarium will clear this up. Until that moment; don't tell her male seahorses give birth, or she'll have a shit-fit.

MeeshaMeeshaPup 8

Does she also think platypuses are fictional beings?

I hear starfish and seaweed are also mythical creatures/beings.

hubla 0

What are you talking about horses that breathe underwater? God Steve your such an idiot sometimes.

ZeroShinigami666 14

Dude, did you see Al Gore's presentation? The threat of manbearpig is serial.

172 sorry to be a smart ass but male sea horses dont give birth they just care for the young

keyboo 0

No 172 was right the female puts eggs in the males brood pouch and the male carries them until they are born and that can take as long as 45 days

sorry i meant to put a thumbs up but i put a thumbs down so add one thumbs up! :) ?

'Unicorn' is the Narnian cousin of the rhinoceros.

tjv3 10

I bet her favorite color is clear

Hopes_Reprimand 6

Probably what the seahorses and unicorns are eating.. Hopefully the op has the common sense to never bring up sea lions to her either.

lexi365 20

Pimp My Horse anyone? Freddiew reference.

528Alice491 3
saIty 17

Show her Spongebob and she will believe in seahorses. *Possibly even talking sponges, starfishes, crabs, squids, and even whales.. Results may vary*

I say the OP should introduce her to a sea rhinoceros.

DontClickOnMe 28

But make sure she's wearing her anti-sea rhinoceros under garments!

#2 and talking squirrels living underwater.

saIty 17

Ohhh.. Can't believe I missed that crazy squirrel!

lexi365 20

And a snail that sounds like a cat...

You know what I want to know...why does Mr. Krabs have whale for a daughter? :-/

DDbaconcrazy 1

Well, when a single crab wants a child, adoption is the only option....

desireev 17

I was thinking that Mrs. Krabs had something going on with the mailman.. But that's just me..

bertoelmexicano 6

154- His name is SQUIDward.. I have a feeling he's a squid

dbt88 15

I'd just like to say how much I love that Mr Krabs always says "Mother of pearl" because technically he's cursing out the mother of his child. That is all.

dbt88 15

Also yes, Squidward is an octopus with only six tentacles because it was easier to draw. Stephen Hillenburg even said he's an octopus, not a squid. Squids have ten tentacles anyway. And Squidward sounds better than Octward. I need to stop liking SpongeBob so much.

In the dutch dubbed version, Squidward's called Octo Tentacles :D

bitchslapped22 14

Actually 220, Stephen Hillenberg himself said that Suidward is a 6 legged Octopus.

37 pfff, I bet OP's gf doesn't believe in Sea Bears either. Ignorant people ;D

One way to tell that Squidward is an octopus is his round head. Squids have triangular heads.

Congratulations! You're dating a moron.

3, to the aquarium to see unicorns or seahorses?

Am I the only one wondering how they even started talking about this?

Yes! To the aquarium; show her seahorses; leave her dumb ass there.

nonamericandolla 6

Thats almost like that girl in my school who doesn't believe in rain-deer just because there part of santa's slave.

While you're at the seahorse tank,bash her stupid face into the glass and go get yourself a girl with an education.

helloheaven 2

Oh yeah that is a good idea, holy shiet they ARE real!

evilteddybear 0 are all retarded aquariums are in fictional tales only... Duh!

evilteddybear 0 are all retaded, aquariums arent real just a made up word for the oceans in space... Duh! :edit didnt see that posted ^

fmlluver1415 6

seahorses aren't real? o.0 I thought they were :/

flockz 19

"and that's when i killed her officer."

SSS the last S being the most important

saIty 17

And as OP is getting arrested.. Officer: "Anything you say can be held against you" OP: ****!!!!!!!!!

FruityLoooons 8

81 & 100 - No. Just no. Especially you, 100.

butwhy 5

this may sound stupid, but I'm new here and confused. what's the 81 and 100? I don't see it anywhere.

butwhy 5

this may sound stupid, but I'm new here and confused. what's the 81 and 100? I don't see it anywhere.

-Continued from #100- Officer: "Until you are proven Innocent in a court of law!" OP: "Aww, can't you say until I'm proven Guilty?" Officer: "Sure I can say that, if it helps you feel more innocent"

"unfortunately we are going to have to charge you with the 1st degree murder of a mentally handicapped woman . an even heftier prison sentence ." ........ orrrr . on a second thought we could change your charge to " slashing of a vegetable and just leave it at that and pretend this never happened . good day sir."

Orrr: "we hereby offer you this citizen's award for services to the community".

119- Go **** yourself and put a little humor in your life.

231- How about clown sex? ... Clowns can be humourous and well... use your imagination from there.

I think I'll pass on the clown sex haha very creative though!

flockz 19

whale, whale, whale, are we really going to start with these ocean puns?

You four are pretty shark to think of these puns

ArielTheMermaid 17

You guys aren't fishing for likes, are you?

Inheritance 10

Don't worry be happy! -says the robot talking fish :D

iamabamf 17

Why has no one noticed that its AQUA- instead of AUQA???

Dammit! These fish sticks are hard as ****!!!

Aqua.....? The actual spelling of the word sounds better instead of "aaaoookaa-ward"

JMichael 25

Guess we know who the true idiot is.

bizarre_ftw 21

I don't, is it Me-me or the girlfriend that doesn't believe in seahorses?

desireev 17

Actually, you'd have to have legs and feet to 'kick ass'. And a seahorse has neither of those. But they are pretty awesome! :)

A little like her brain then, entirely fictitious

LunaDragon 10

To candy mountain Chaaaarlie!

desireev 17

"Yeah.. And I'm the Easter Bunny!" Gotta love Diet Dr. Pepper! Or the commercials, at least.. :)

eigelste 0

Lol my girlfriend is the same damnway . . . Girls gotta love em

You mean *stupid people, gotta love 'em. And no, not really.

i have a feeling his girlfriend must give fantastic head to make up for her lack of one.

eigelste 0

Lol my gf is smart its a joke

Level of stupidity IMPOSSIBRU! Seriously how could you stand to be with someone that ignorant? I mean ops girl wasn't even willing to accept the fact she was wrong!

Let me guess, she thinks Edward Cullen is real though?