Good boy

By wtfkasey - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada - Dundas

Today, I walked in on a raccoon viciously tearing apart a giant bag of dog food, not five feet away from my sleeping dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 762
You deserved it 2 087

Top comments

At least the raccoon didn't attack your dog

It's all part of the Raccoon Mob's plan. Tranquilize the dog, steal the food, and sell it at a profit. Just wait until they start working the rest of the neighborhood. Only small time gangs go for trash cans.


blahblah005 16

im just curious as to how this happened im assuming the raccoon was in ur house ? came through a doggy door?

Dodge4x4Ram 46

I'd pretend to be asleep too.

rieebee 23

I'd rather clean up dog food than shredded raccoon, but maybe that's just me.

It's all part of the Raccoon Mob's plan. Tranquilize the dog, steal the food, and sell it at a profit. Just wait until they start working the rest of the neighborhood. Only small time gangs go for trash cans.

Gaernem 17

I think the dogs are in it now too. But on the opposite side. They bait in the raccoons with their poisoned dog food, and act seemingly non suspicious when the raccoons sedate them. Dem dogs are getting fed up.

mds9986 24

Sly cooper and the thieveus dogfoodus

#22 You could've just left it at "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoons".

townailz 16

Maybe the watch dog wasn't on the clock yet?


yeah my mom has 2 90lb boxers. the most useless animals in regards to guarding, unless you are trying to steal a bone or touch one of their feet. my German Shepherd on the other hand goes crazy over everything so we never look when he barks.