Alexa, play "Boredom" by Buzzcocks

By climbing the walls - 30/09/2020 17:02 - United States

Today, it’s been nearly six months since our state has been on lockdown. My boyfriend the introvert has never been happier. Meanwhile, I, the extrovert, have been bored to literal tears from the lack of human interactions and travel. There’s only so much Netflix and reading I can do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you heard of sex? It's a pretty good way to kill time, or so I've heard.

not going to say you deserve it but you don't deserve sympathy either... everybody is in the same boat. You're not special


Zoom, Skype, hangouts, MS Teams? Do you not have access to any virtual meeting apps? I can't escape people. Constant web calls, facetime, virtual chats.

Have you heard of sex? It's a pretty good way to kill time, or so I've heard.

not going to say you deserve it but you don't deserve sympathy either... everybody is in the same boat. You're not special

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

a person doesn't need to be special to recieve sympathy.

Ambrily 27

I think their point is what OP is going through is affecting literally everybody else, too, so kind of suck it up and act responsibly to make this time be as short as possible (if only everybody did the same, though...). I am sorry for OP, but the comment isn't wrong.

No, but they're asking for sympathy from everyone in the same boat. We're all stuck at home. Hell, I'm an introvert and I'm getting cabin fever. That's a fact of life right now, not something that garners sympathy. JMO

wysegirl 24

Are jobs not back open? It sucks if your state is still in lock down, especially since most places are already open again.

Ambrily 27

And some are about to close up again soon, unfortunately.

just because you can't have face to face interactions doesn't mean there arent ways to hang out with people. You're going to have to get used to this because its people who think like you that slip up because they're "so bored" and cause the number of cases to surge.

there still video chatting, you can play games with friends online, and get job. there's plenty to do with people aside from netflix and read.

sounds like my husband and me. I go out to work and he works from home. he's so gung-ho about meeting new people and making friends whereas with me, i deal with people all day so the last thing i wanna do is deal with more people. I already hate people enough as it is lol

I’m sorry, all you’ve done is read and watch Netflix? You have no hobbies? Like cmon this ***** on you if you haven’t looking for new hobbies to do. I get you wanna go out and meet with people but shit, find new hobbies.

Life is tough all over. We are all facing the same issues. Eventually the pandemic will be over, but don’t be surprised if it takes another year to get through this. Fortunately for me I’m introverted and retired, my wife is extroverted and this is harder for her. I have to remind her from time to time that everyone is dealing with this. Stay safe, be careful...