Baby you can drive my car

By fuck off you fucking shitburglar - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, a tailgating idiot rear-ended me at a red light, then had the balls to say it was my fault for "driving too close" to his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 492
You deserved it 1 508

Top comments

I mean in terms of insurance and finding fault, you probably wont have to worry. Hes supposed to give enough space to stop safely. He may be an ass, but youll come out on top for this one :)

So driving too close to him when you're in front? What an idiot


ProximityToDeath 20

How stupid can you be? Maybe if he would have backed off and followed traffic rules he would have become just like any normal person and seen reason instead of being a total douche. He is obviously at fault.

If he had backed off and followed traffic rules he might not have even run into OP.

I see what you did there, sir. "Run into op...."

Even I don't see what I did there. Please elaborate.

I mean in terms of insurance and finding fault, you probably wont have to worry. Hes supposed to give enough space to stop safely. He may be an ass, but youll come out on top for this one :)

You can't even argue against it in the UK, even if the person driving in front breaks for absolutely no reason it's always the rear ender that gets blamed.

Used to be the same in the states, but people used to commit insurance fraud using that so they changed it up slightly to try and balance it out.

This is when a dash cam comes in handy. Some guy posted a video online, a while back, of some guy stopping in the middle of traffic, and then backing up into the guy behind him. The driver in the front got out and started ragging on the driver in the back until the driver in the back told him he got it all on video. He then started to apologize and try to say there was no damage done so it was all good. Haha! Almost makes me want to get one.

So driving too close to him when you're in front? What an idiot

Should've punched him in the face and said he was walking too close to your fist.

whatunicorn 17

Yes you can, it just requires a shotgun and a shovel. Maybe a bag of lime, too. :-)

There's a lot of people on the road who shouldn't have a drivers license.

I don't think you have anything to worry about, unless he doesn't have insurance. Idiots will be idiots, but let's hope he is an insured idiot.