Bad babysitter

By cantprovenothing - 18/04/2014 21:31 - United States - Arlington

Today, I was babysitting a 9-year-old kid, when she got thirsty and asked for a drink. All I could find was some kind of Mexican fruit drink, but I didn't realize until too late that it was actually hard liquor. I had to scrub her mouth out with toothpaste and put her to bed to cover it all up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 622
You deserved it 48 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotGabe 28

The next morning will be interesting...

That could actually be dangerous. You need to pay attention or find another line of work.


I'm pretty sure OP noticed when the child reacted to the taste of the drink. I doubt she had much. The drink was obviously in Spanish, and judging by the way OP called it a "Mexican fruit drink" they obviously couldn't read the label. Some water isn't always safe to drink straight away from the tap either, so OP pouring a glass of water for the child could have have a bad ending too. It's the fact that OP tried to cover it up that's the problem.

I believe a lot of stories on here but this one feels fake

tayymeds 23

Water. From the faucet. Please don't ever watch children again.

if you dont know what the drink is, you shouldn't give it to a child in the first place ! I think you should at least tell the parents though, yes you might lose your job .but they have a right to know and they need to be sure the child will be okay.

Can you tell me how to get, (Hic) How to get to Sesame Street?

I hope the girl tells on you and you get your ass fired.

I heard something about water being a safe choice when a kid's thirsty. It's healthy and it's very obvious what the beverage contain then.

I do not know how long after the event you are writing this. You MUST tell her parents immediately - that amount of alcohol could kill a child of that age. Better to be thought an idiot than kill a child through negligence. .

sailorarctic 22

when in doubt, water is always a valid option.