Bad doggo

By Anonymous - 13/04/2023 04:00 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street when I saw a cute dog. I reached down to pet it, but it snarled then bit me. As I was walking away, I saw the owner of the dog, who was laughing and filming the whole thing on his shitty cellphone. I hope the video isn't out there on TikTok or whatever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 410
You deserved it 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reaching out to pet a strange dog is ill-advised. Ask the owners permission, let the dog sniff your hand, and if the dog growls, back off. That said, if you weren't being aggressive or intending to cause harm, the owner may still be liable for your injuries.

you didn’t ask the owner you just went for grabs? YDI


you didn’t ask the owner you just went for grabs? YDI

Reaching out to pet a strange dog is ill-advised. Ask the owners permission, let the dog sniff your hand, and if the dog growls, back off. That said, if you weren't being aggressive or intending to cause harm, the owner may still be liable for your injuries.

As much as you shouldn't be reaching out to pet animals that you don't know, that owner should have been a responsible pet owner and had a muzzle for that dog. I've got a dog myself. He's one of those aggressive little ankle biter chihuahua mixes, and his face is super tiny. I still managed to find a muzzle to fit even him and he wears it when i take him outside for walks, so that dog owner has no excuse.

yesss! my little Zoey girl also has one. she's a chihuahua papillon mix she's an aggressive little bean on the hikes 🤣 even though she's having the time of her life, it's like the trails need to be empty for her to be on full chill mode 🤣

You never reach to a dog you don't know! ydi

Next time say hello to the dog and make sure they're friendly before you just reach out to pet them. YDI.