Bad start to the day

By Concussed - 17/01/2010 06:22 - Australia

Today, as I showered, I sneezed, hit my face on the wall, got shampoo in my eyes, slipped on a bar of soap, bashed my head on the wall as I fell, grabbed at the walls to stop me from falling and happened to turn off the cold water, scorching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 726
You deserved it 6 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im never showering again haha ): that sucks

A soap. In the shape of a bar. Moron.


truthfully...i think this is fake mainly because there's way to many fails XD but if it isn't, sorry and kudos :P

This is the other reason why you don't drop the soap!!

SumKid_fml 0

Hmm... Sounds too made up, unless you have no control over your body.

richman000 0

I would never take a shower again.I would stick to bathes.

MF12 0

how does cold water scorch you?

MF12 0

oh never mind didn't read right i read turned ON the cold water

fake. i hope its fake or your just a failure in life and should next time land on an open straight razor throat first, cuz its just guna go downhill from this point on