
By Kerry - 22/02/2021 20:01 - Canada

Today, I was running water for a relaxing bath. There have been some problems with the town's water for a while now, so I was pleased when the water looked so clear. Right as I thought that, however, the water instantly changed from crystal clear to shit brown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe to can head down to Cancun for a nice bath, Senator.

It's possible that they did fix it, but you need to let the water run for awhile to get rid of the residual crap water.


Well, maybe to can head down to Cancun for a nice bath, Senator.

So for months the water has been gross and you thought today would be different

It's possible that they did fix it, but you need to let the water run for awhile to get rid of the residual crap water.