Best prank ever

By Anonymous - 12/08/2023 00:02

Today, I meant to prank my boyfriend with a fake pregnancy, but when he walked in, he had his elderly mom with him. She saw all the pregnancy stuff I’d set up for the prank and got so excited that she had a stroke, and is now in a vegetative state and might not wake up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 403
You deserved it 1 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And see, this is why pranks are bad, especially fake pregnancies. Please hit yourself in the head with a shoe.

Be sure to tell his mother what was so funny about your prank if she ever wakes up.


And see, this is why pranks are bad, especially fake pregnancies. Please hit yourself in the head with a shoe.

Be sure to tell his mother what was so funny about your prank if she ever wakes up.

What is it with the younger generations thinking it’s funny to play pranks involving pregnancy, suicides, abductions, etc? I enjoy a good,prank, but some things were and always should be off limits

whether or not this was a good idea, that is a completely insane result that you could not have predicted. truly FYL

Faking a pregnancy is a gross thing to do

Ah yes. Pregnancy announcement induced coma. Such a common, well known and absolutely real condition.

A fake pregnancy is NEVER a good prank to play on someone. FY boyfriend's mom's life.