
By Anonymous - 02/09/2019 00:01 - Spain - Barcelona

Today, I had to explain to a lady that the reason I mindlessly touched my crotch was to itch a mosquito bite. She didn't believe me, and called me a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 392
You deserved it 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, you let a mosquito suck your dick? You are a pervert! Mosquito life spans are way less than 18 years, so you're a pedo, too!

GoogieWithers 22

Why was she looking at your crotch? She's the pervert!


So, you let a mosquito suck your dick? You are a pervert! Mosquito life spans are way less than 18 years, so you're a pedo, too!

EmDizzle2007 28

18 is legal... come on, you're better than this

Considering the life span of a female mosquito it max 56 days and the lifespan of a Male is 10, definitely not legal.

GoogieWithers 22

Why was she looking at your crotch? She's the pervert!

You don't have to explain anything to a random stranger. Should have told her to mind her own business instead of worrying about your crotch.

Wadlaen 23

Could you not just have shown her..?

Mosquitoe bite in the crotch? Nay you a pervert

That's one of my pet peeves - guys scratching their nuts in public. It's a terrible habit and makes you look trashy. Please don't do it.

YallDeservedItJk 22

Did she ask you for an explanation or did you decide to just start talking about your crotch to her??? If you did that’s creepy af and YDI