
By Gullible - 25/02/2013 06:10 - United States - Cleveland

Today, my boyfriend of three years told me he was thinking about us taking a break. After an hour of crying and him saying it would be okay, I accepted it. When I asked when the break would start, he replied, "What are you talking about? I only said I'd thought about it" and then laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 507
You deserved it 7 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its not very cool or nice of him to let you cry for an hour over this. he sounds like he just wanted to show how in control he is of the relationship. Not acceptable. Maybe you should think about starting the break.


What does that mean? The only thing I can come up with is "Damn that mother-******* ass"

That's mean maybe you should say "instead of a break how about the end."

You do not need someone in your life who plays those kind of games.

he's an ass. why would you put up with that kind of crap?