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By I Know How to Pick'em - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada - Beaverton

Today, as I had a chat with my boyfriend and a couple of his friends, one of them had brought up my boyfriend's son and his other child who was due any day now. The conversation would have went well, had I known that he had a son and a pregnant girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 824
You deserved it 2 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't wanna be one of those people with the quick "Dump him" comments, but ...dump him

Dump and expose him!!! However, just don't interfere with the poor woman and her child though. I feel so bad for you and the other woman, she's probably engaged/married or just a mother.


How long have you two been seeing each other? As in, was that baby conceived while you were dating? Even if it wasn't, no excuse. Honesty is the best policy. At least you found out sooner rather than later.

maybe you were set up by him and his friends, in order for you to dump him so he wouldn't have to

His friends are great! To keep something like that a secret doenst show trust at all and I would run away fast.

lollypop30001 19

You mean Ex's boyfriend right?

I don't know if you should break up with him,to be honest I don't care... but next time you see the guy who told you about the kids, buy him a drink.

freeecandyy 9

He seems like a great guy... Shitty way to find out. Definitely time to go.

shortcake18 15

How long have you been together? Because if it is a newer thing then maybe he was just waiting for the right time

You know, I don't understand why people think that "the right time" is an appropriate thing at all if they don't mean when you meet them with the intent to begin a romantic relationship. Some people really aren't okay with certain things, e.g. if someone has children, is a smoker, has a dangerous job, has been married once or twice before etc. If you hide these things until "the right time" (which is usually once there are already mutual strong feelings) then you've just manipulated the other person into a relationship that they can't be 100% okay with. So now they either have to just deal with it and stay, or walk away and have to deal with the emotions that you essentially forced them to have. It's not right to mess with people like that.