But… boobs

By Anonymous - 08/02/2022 02:01

Today, my boyfriend has spent weeks trying to get me to cancel my breast reduction surgery, for selfish reasons obviously, even though he knows how bad my spinal problems are getting. I don’t want a hunched back in my 30’s, but all he cares about is his sex life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 980
You deserved it 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is EXACTLY like that episode of Two and a half Men where Charlie does not want Chelsea to get her own boobs shrunk for exactly the same reason. You go ahead girl, get that surgery no matter how much he whines.

I think he doesn't care about you. He cares about himself. Oh and his di*k. Think of the other ways he has manipulated you. It's always all about him, isn't it? Has he asked you how you feel? About anything? Use him and set him free. Expect nothing in return. Just my opinion, but maybe some other comments will back me up.


I think he doesn't care about you. He cares about himself. Oh and his di*k. Think of the other ways he has manipulated you. It's always all about him, isn't it? Has he asked you how you feel? About anything? Use him and set him free. Expect nothing in return. Just my opinion, but maybe some other comments will back me up.

You should just get one of those drone bras where a bunch of drones fly around you supporting your enormous boobs. Technology, FTW!

This is EXACTLY like that episode of Two and a half Men where Charlie does not want Chelsea to get her own boobs shrunk for exactly the same reason. You go ahead girl, get that surgery no matter how much he whines.

if I were you I would call the place and put a password on the account. he might just be selfish enough to cancel it for you

Are you sure you have to stay with him, who doesn’t seem to support you a lot?

He’s your boyfriend not husband **** him

The Bad News - Boyfriend isn’t supportive of your health and is obviously selfish. But he does like your breasts. The Good News - He’s your boyfriend, not your husband, and you didn’t mention any mutual children. The Ugly News - Get the surgery and boyfriend probably isn’t going to stick around long. But this could easily be the case anyway as soon as you had a major disagreement. But prepare yourself… My advice is to get the surgery if you need it. You will eventually meet someone to whom you are more than a pair of big breasts.

Get the breast reduction. It will be weight off your shoulders, you can loose even more dead weight by dumping his ass. You can do better sis and you deserve better!

Tell him you'll donate everything removed to be inserted into his penis. That way both of you can have more reasonably sized body parts.

FakeFriendMagnet 1

Dump him and get the reduction.