But I didn't! I wasn't!

By I didn't though - 10/09/2015 04:07 - United States

Today, I arrived at a camp and met one of my roommates. At bedtime, I had energy still, so I did push-ups. The guy was asleep or so I thought because he was facing the wall. The guy thought I was jacking off and told everyone I did it in the middle of our room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 822
You deserved it 2 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was facing the wall, in bed, while he listened to someone grunting behind him. I get the feeling he may have been the one spanking the monkey.


has anyone noticed people aren't saying yolo as much? or is it just me?

is this related to the other FML about making new ground rules?

bakeith6993 13

Honestly I'd just say I did it and show so much bravado that they wouldn't have a choice but to be jealous

Wondering what's the first thing that comes to your mind whenever you want to do push-ups..

tehdarkness 21

You should have just beat off. It probably would have been quieter.

Tell him hell yah, I jerked it...USED YOUR SOCK too

Sandman2015 12

These people have jerked off before right? Because doing pushups and taking care of business look and sound nothing alike.

Cum on now, dude had death grip on it. Beating it, like it stoled money from him.......