Change it!

By man down! man down... - 01/12/2019 03:00 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I had sex with a friend. It was really good too! Until she kicked me in my right nut while changing positions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 146
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Things like that happen. It presume it wasn't intentional. I'd focus on the on the part where you were having really good sex. Hopefully she isn't feeling too ashamed and you are not holding petty grudges over unintentional things. In a few days you can laugh about it and do a rerun ending in orgasms instead of pain :)


bloopaloop 27

Are you sure it was it consensual?

Things like that happen. It presume it wasn't intentional. I'd focus on the on the part where you were having really good sex. Hopefully she isn't feeling too ashamed and you are not holding petty grudges over unintentional things. In a few days you can laugh about it and do a rerun ending in orgasms instead of pain :)

I’m sure that happens with couples all the time .

J15237 25

Um if the sex was super amazing I am sure she said sorry in that special way and made your nut feel better. Stop complaining.