
By imamonster1992 - 24/12/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend got rejected by his dream college. In an effort to comfort him, I told him that he is incredibly smart and that it's their loss. He replied, "Of course you think so, you're an idiot!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 949
You deserved it 4 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he is the idiot. he's even rejected in dreams

soozjw 2


missalice0306 19

Frustrated or not, you can't just be snapping at people anytime you feel like it. If that's what he does whenever he gets angry, what will he do to you when something else he doesn't like happens to him? If he gets fired from his job, for example, will he remember from this incident or will he just snap at you again? If this is the way he's going to be whenever he gets frustrated, you're better off without him.

Did you reply with, "a newly single idiot?" =]

And your reply should have been, "well now you have nothing. Rejected by your dream college and dumped by your girlfriend."

I think he was just really angry and upset and his anger probably got the best of him.

Break up with him, he's obviously an asshole. Even if it's a bad day, he can't say stuff like that to you.

He was probably just emotionally torn apart that's why he acted like that, I have a friend who did that same thing