Christmas hint

By SpongeBob - 26/12/2022 18:00

Today, my wife gave me my Christmas gift, a novelty kitchen sponge, then suggested I try it out on the sink full of dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 399
You deserved it 1 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude get a dishwasher they are amazing. Even the portable ones you just plug in and cost about $300 are an absolute no brainer.


YDI help your wife with the household chores you shitty husband



YDI help your wife with the household chores you shitty husband

CakeEater 15

I'm sure everyone will assume you never do dishes, because people like to jump to conclusions. If you don't, YDI, if you do and you just got a shitty gift, then I suggest giving her a vacuum or something as ridiculous for her next gift 🤣

That's a novel way to get you to help with the dishes. Is it your first time? Is that the only gift you got?

Dude get a dishwasher they are amazing. Even the portable ones you just plug in and cost about $300 are an absolute no brainer.

Is it possible that she earns more than you do? If so, the gift is a statement that you're sponging off of her. You'd better get those dishes nice and clean, mooch.