
By Can't Spell Worth A Damn - 06/03/2009 18:53 - United States

Today, I was writing an email to our entire company regarding a fundraiser we are taking part in for children and adults with disabilities. I was rushing to get the email out and hit send before I realized that instead of "Best Regards" I had typed "Best Retards" as the closing line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 747
You deserved it 41 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahahahah! thats so funny! i dont think you deservd it though, people have typos all the time, but HALARIOUS!

Cloudy_fml 0

Well, the "t" and "g" keys are close together... Haha, what an unfortunate typo.


It sucks that it was an ironic typo, but hilarious all the same. xD

LOLOLOLOL X10 sorry for your typo, I do that a lot too

that is hilarious!!! Hahahaha. thanks for that laugh...

MyLifeIsAverageS 5

not everything is fake dipshit. They could have posted it on multiple sites. shut up

MissMcFly 6
amandalee88 0

hahahaha omg you are amazing that just made my night. im sure theyd understand its a typo though since g and t are so close. its just amazing how your typo suited the subject XD

We do tend to overlook things in a rush. Nonetheless, your intentions were good. Hopefully they will understand