
By Username - 07/06/2011 06:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were making out when he sweetly whispered in my ear, "It's not gonna suck itself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 966
You deserved it 13 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fx13mz 7

I'm stealing that line from him.

Time to point to his hand and say 'no, but you're gonna be shaking it yourself tonight.'


Zombieslayer1 0

Well then what are you waiting for!? He knows what he wants, get on your knees and give it to him.

RockstarRN 10

I would then say "If it wasn't so small you could suck it yourself" and leave!

Daviddwd 0

well... what are you waiting for?

peachezthelette 22
lasttoknow 4

honestly ..... I kinda look up to this dude .... lol

well, it's all about self control and personal choices, there really is no way of denying it.

johnnie254 7

I used your advice 99 times before, and guess what? IM STILL A VIRGIN..

lmaoatall 6

should have wispered back in his ear, I know, better get on it. then place your hands on the top of his head and push him down towards your privates!