Close shave

By Anonymous - 28/08/2019 02:00 - United States - Bisbee

Today, I grabbed a box of my favorite granola bars, the only flavor the brand makes without nuts, which I'm severely allergic to. A visit to the ER after my throat closed up told me that I'd missed the notice on the shelf, warning that they're now making them with peanuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 652
You deserved it 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViviMage 38

I'm allergic to latex, so I know how serious an allergy can get! And bees. But latex seems more a threat than the bees. Check these out for nut fee granola bars. 88 Acres, Avalanche, Don't Go Nuts, Ener-G, Enjoy Life, Libre Naturals, Made Good, and Nature's Bakery.

So OP actually now DESERVES to die because a company changed the list of ingredients in one of its food products and she made the honest (but still unfortunate) mistake of not scrutinizing the labeling beforehand?! You must be a lot of fun at parties, Mr. Kill-Joy!


ViviMage 38

I'm allergic to latex, so I know how serious an allergy can get! And bees. But latex seems more a threat than the bees. Check these out for nut fee granola bars. 88 Acres, Avalanche, Don't Go Nuts, Ener-G, Enjoy Life, Libre Naturals, Made Good, and Nature's Bakery.

if you're that allergic then you should learn to always read the ingredients on the box. ydi

So OP actually now DESERVES to die because a company changed the list of ingredients in one of its food products and she made the honest (but still unfortunate) mistake of not scrutinizing the labeling beforehand?! You must be a lot of fun at parties, Mr. Kill-Joy!

YDI is a little harsh in this situation, but the rest of it's pretty fair. If you have a DEADLY allergy, you check what you put in your mouth.

Did they think it was a genuine allergic reaction or that you were just nuts?

childlessmother 16

Oh no. As someone who has the same allergy I know the struggle and even still check the box knowing. There is always a chance especially if they are made in a factory that has nuts. Good luck