
By how many?! - 22/08/2019 00:01

Today, a woman contacted me because she thinks my daughter and her children are half siblings. I thought it was a scam until she sent me a picture of my estranged ex and her kids, who look almost identical to mine. I’m the eighth woman she's contacted so far, with who knows how many more to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 472
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yesterday, we had a literal ************. Today, this is topped by a real mothersfucker!


Yesterday, we had a literal ************. Today, this is topped by a real mothersfucker!

Time to take a paternity test! Don't puss out.

whoa, busy guy. Family reunions are gonna be awkward

I'd say you and these other women band together and sue him for child support. The amount associated with 8+ kids is probably a pretty penny.

Traveling_Book 9

I would think this might be more of a good thing. Your children have a large extended family they can get to know. It might suck if you and your ex were still together.

tounces7 27

Sounds like he was the con-artist, not her.