Communication Breakdown

By not negative just real - 17/07/2022 09:00 - United States

Today, I’m still on bed rest recovering from life-altering surgery. My pain is unreal but the pills make me nauseous or knock me out cold. When I try to express what I’m going through, all anyone tries to do is cheer me up without listening. I just want someone to understand what I’m going through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 961
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

I’ve multiple surgeries on my back and spine, legs, feet, shoulders and wrists and looking at more of them. I agree, it truly sucks. Hang in there. Meditation and picking up distractions helps. Watch youtube like some of the comedy channels. Like Drybar, or that guy Josh with cerebral palsy. I honor that guy. He’s not letting it keep him down and his sense of sarcasm is awesome. But seriously, watching humor can help. It does help with pain and mood, and makes the time more bearable. I live with constant pain. Reach out to me if you need help when it comes to managing. Sometimes the right pain meds helps. I’m on Tramadol which usually only works for people with orange in their hair. The regular pills prescribed do nothing for me.

In case you are in suspense, I decided not to get the phone charger, but just a new cable. Does that cheer you up?


I may be confused but, the fact that they're trying to cheer you up is because they understand what you're going through.

Hey, just cheer up and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I'm thinking of buying a phone charger today. What do you think?

unfortunately most times that means that you may complain alot so they've stopped listening and skip to the cheering you up to not here the rest of the complaint

If all you do is complain, you’re lucky that anyone comes to see you at all. It’s extremely hard—and, in many cases impossible—for people to understand what you’re going through without experiencing it themselves. Better to be happy with what comfort they can offer you.

tiptoppc 19

I’ve multiple surgeries on my back and spine, legs, feet, shoulders and wrists and looking at more of them. I agree, it truly sucks. Hang in there. Meditation and picking up distractions helps. Watch youtube like some of the comedy channels. Like Drybar, or that guy Josh with cerebral palsy. I honor that guy. He’s not letting it keep him down and his sense of sarcasm is awesome. But seriously, watching humor can help. It does help with pain and mood, and makes the time more bearable. I live with constant pain. Reach out to me if you need help when it comes to managing. Sometimes the right pain meds helps. I’m on Tramadol which usually only works for people with orange in their hair. The regular pills prescribed do nothing for me.

In case you are in suspense, I decided not to get the phone charger, but just a new cable. Does that cheer you up?