
By That Person - 14/09/2016 00:11 - Australia - Coolbellup

Today, I missed out on my first cooking lesson because I was an hour late. I cannot go to the rest of them because if you don't attend the first class then you are not allowed to attend the rest. I just spent $70 on a cooking course that I won't be able to attend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 263
You deserved it 12 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The response to this depends entirely on why you were late.

See if they can reschedule you for another class or at the very least complain loudly enough to get your money back.


Find the car of the person who barred you from the rest of the course, and slash their tire. If you're out $70, someone else should be, too.

Someone else kinda said what I was thinking - unless it was an energency (or illness/accident/car trouble) why couldnt you watch the time to make sure you got there on time? Or call? Most people have a cell phone and at least a microwave that has a clock on it. Did your power go out and your phone was dead?

Can you attend the next session of the class?

19 next session as in next set of classes

Well, if you can't follow directions, such as showing up at a certain time, than you probably can't follow directions to cook either. You might want to try an online class that allows you to do things at non-specific times. Another good class you could take is logic and reasoning, or a class on how to listen and follow directions, or a class on money management, there are so many things you still need to learn in order to function in society. I hope you don't starve while you're learning these basic life lessons.

no need to be a judgemental ass despite this being fml there could b e a valid reason for op to be late at no fault of their own

They could have a legitimate reason you jerk. Karma and God will come and get you, for you have sinned. Why are you judging someone when you have probably been late to something to. It's called life. If you haven't been late, you should get out more.

cootiequeen4444 11

#17 I feel like OP probably would function better in society (aka dealing with other people in a socially acceptable manner) than you if this is your reaction to someone being one hour late to a freaking cooking class and them daring to be upset about 70 dollars gone down the drain. You don't even know why they were late either... what is your deal, man? smh...

Whether or not you knew about this rule changes how I feel. If you knew ahead of time then YDI for not making sure you were there. But if they just sprung it on you (which I doubt) then that really sucks.

In a cooking class, they have to have a specific amount of every single ingredient. Not to mention ovens or stoves. there is no way they won't notice.

see if there is another latter in the week that haven't started and sign up for that

if u can properly scramble an egg while standing on 1 leg, rubbing your stomach and patting your head simultaneously... congratulations, you're Wolfgang Puck. Venmo me my $70