
By Anonymous - 05/05/2021 15:01 - United States - Carson City

Today, I used a menstrual cup for the first time. I couldn't get it out, after what seemed like ages of trying. I had to ask my boyfriend to help me. He'll never look at me the same way again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 987
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would he look at you differently? It may be a little gross but it's your natural body function. Maybe I'm spewing dumbshit cause I'm a dude but I don't think he should look at you differently over your that.

So he is ok sticking his dick in, but not his fingers when it could easily become a serious issue with no intervention?


Why would he look at you differently? It may be a little gross but it's your natural body function. Maybe I'm spewing dumbshit cause I'm a dude but I don't think he should look at you differently over your that.


stop commenting seriously on FML's 😂

You referring to me, mate? Whether you are or not, I hope whoever you're referring to continues to just to piss you off. You have zero say in demanding someone to stop commenting. Have a good day...sir

So he is ok sticking his dick in, but not his fingers when it could easily become a serious issue with no intervention?

bleachedraven 14

If he's old enough to use a ******, he's old enough to know how one works.

She's Got Moxie 14

I feel you! I panicked the first few times I tried to take mine out! Figured out you have to do it in the shower and can’t rely on the little tiny tab that you’re supposed to pull. It’s a learning process for sure. I love the idea but still have to find one that’s the right fit for me. Hopefully your bf gets over it. It’s a natural part of life! Men see children being born and are fine.. if not you deserve better! Xo

xxlk4xx 6

took me a while to get the hang of mine too! I found I've had to cut the stems off because the stem bothers me too much, I also find taking it out in the shower works best for me

Yummi_913 18

I only ever had mine stuck once and it wasn't even the first or second period with it, but daaaaaaamn was that an experience!! I hope OP figures out how to make it work for her because cups are truly worth it ☺️

This is ridiculous its right up there with dont give birth in front of your spouse. If he's like most men he's going to be fine