
By JustClaire95 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad told me that I can't wear leggings on Friday nights, because, "your butt is too distracting for my poker buddies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 102
You deserved it 16 501

JustClaire95 tells us more.

I'll prob just wear jeans from now on. Though it'd be funny to see them react to a mini skirt lol!

Top comments

flowerbug 4

Leggings are not pants anyways.

kakakarotcake 17

or maybe he keeps catching his friends peeping at his daughter


Guys are automatically attracted to looking at those parts on girls, it's even been experimentally shown haha they're prob not creeps. Throughout all history men were marrying teenagers. It's only now socially unacceptable

Merylwen 24

Why are you even trying to justify this? It's inappropriate and disgusting, that's it.

Agree #87. But some people just insists on wearing leggings

MyUsernameKatie 31

#46, I can't wear jeans because if medical condition that makes my skin burn and sweats are too heavy for this weather. I have to wear leggings basically everywhere I go, and not all my shirts go with skirts. That being said, it's my first day back to school today and I was asked to leave one class because my leggings were too distracting to some of the students and a student teacher lol. That being said, I agree that she can just throw on sweats, or, if she has her heart set on leggings just wear a really long T-shirt.

IGaveRickUp 15

He's a douche. It's your body, and it's not an object for his pervy friends to validate and study. Wear your leggings if you feel comfortable in them, and don't care about what anyone tells you.

Though really, putting a skirt or dress over said leggings wouldn't hurt the comfort, and would improve the respect from others.

That is disgusting. Your father should be more concerned about telling his friends to NOT stare at his daughter's butt instead of telling you how to dress while you're inside your own freaking house!

who plays real poker anyway these days.. don't we have zynga facebook poker for that.. problem solved!

xcookie_loverx 3

My boyfriends poker buddies come over once a week to converse and play a fun game of poker. He thinks playing poker online is boring

Dodge4x4Ram 46

leggings equal attention that most girls crave,, we ALL know this

If by "we" you mean shallow-minded misogynist douchewagons.

Don't underestimate the power of DAT ASS. use it to your full advantage just don't get out of hand and turn into into a ****........ that's how we lose so many of the good ones :'(

Go for a short mini skirt and thong and a nice revealing top and see if that is any better. Hey, at least you are wearing those distracting leggings :p