Damp, dark night

By Entity303 - 14/11/2020 21:32 - India

Today, I'm staying in a hotel. The power went out while I was having a shower. So I waited for it to come back on, until an announcement came over the fire alarm, "Due to generating failure, the power will be off for the rest of the night. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, and have a good night." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 017
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Currently you are powerless with little potential to change that because there's too much resistance and you don't have the capacity to induce it. How re-volt-ing! Watt are you going to do with your amp-le free time? In such a ground state, you should have just stayed ohm.


Currently you are powerless with little potential to change that because there's too much resistance and you don't have the capacity to induce it. How re-volt-ing! Watt are you going to do with your amp-le free time? In such a ground state, you should have just stayed ohm.

jfigley 5

Dude! Thats ******* hilarious 🤣. I love it!

Yuno Senju 4

Buzzz!!! Wrong. The correct answer is India, you racist piece of shit.