Date night

By feminist - 17/06/2009 15:25 - Canada

Today, I got into a heated argument at a restaurant with a guy I am seeing because he refused to let me pay for the bill and I thought it was sexist. When he finally agreed, I gave the waiter my card, only to have him return a minute later telling me it was declined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 248
You deserved it 77 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

organismal 0

girl, it's just polite, classy, traditional. get over yourself it's nothing to get in a heated argument about, either. come on, if you offer to pay half and he declines, accept graciously. it makes you seem like less of a bitch.

britches 0

Wow...there's really no need to get into a heated argument about it.


cxal_fml 0

If you were the one who asked him out on this date, then yes, it would be sexist for him to insist on paying the bill. However, if he asked you, or it it was just a mutual get-together, than nope - but he should still have the common sense to split checks once he saw that you were uncomfortable with him paying. However, YDI - presuming your card was declined for a legitimate reason. On my european tour group this one couple had to borrow money from everyone else, because their card was American Express, and for some reason none of the businesses in spain would accept American Express - even though they all had signs in their window saying they did. You both deserve what happened for getting into a heated argument, instead of just saying, "we disagree who should pay, so we'll both pay for own food."

wow. ydi for being an idiot thinking he was being sexist. I hate women who think that when guys hold doors, or act sweet towards a woman theyre being sexist, and IM a girl myself. Get over yourselves. Theres no denying were the weaker sex. It doesnt mean we cant do anything, because, we obviously have the right to do whatever we want, but men are protective by nature, therefore theyre going to want to be gentelmanly towards us whether you appreciate it or not, because theyre stronger, and bigger. Suck it up, and grow a ******.

lmmmr 0

You do realize that you just called someone a vaginal ******, right? And that is supposed be offensive? Are you sure? I think you lose.

No no no, don't get me wrong, sweetheart. I didn't mean to offend the OP at all. I just called her this cute, complimentary, polite, defensive dysphemism, such as "vaginal ****". I don't think it's offensive at all, do you?

I'm going to go ahead and say you deserved this one because A) you apparently don't watch your credit, and B) you were acting incredibly childish about letting a man be a gentleman.

justme8977 0

Wow. You guys are being jerks about this. Yeah it totally sucks that your card got declined (always know your balance!) but you did deserve it. Props to the guy for letting you pay and I hope he wasn't like the ignorant ass holes on here and thought it was funny. Also, the guys that are ragging on her, get over yourselves, your just as bad as her. Get lives. Find a girlfriend. Have a child. And die. you'd do us all a great service.

Putting off people who try to treat you well is not going to lead to happiness in the long run. Men who want to impress women they like want to pay. Rejecting that courtesy is like rejecting him romantically. If you liked him, fighting over the bill was foolhardy and an embarrassment to you as a person. There is also nothing tackier than fighting over the bill. It's just a dating rule that if the guy insists, you let him pay! It's offensive to take that away from him and stupid for you to get upset about. Why the double standard? Because when a man insists on paying, it's because of his feelings for the woman, his desire to show her he's masculine and to impress her. When a woman insists, she takes that away from him in order to make a point, and dude stops pursuing her because she's made him feel bad. You going to start carrying his heavy boxes for him? Opening his jars? Let a man treat you like a woman. It's no disrespect, because there's nothing wrong with being treated like a woman because there's nothing wrong with being a woman!

lmmmr 0

But there is no reason that paying should be a masculine practice. Who are you to decide what is stupid for someone to get upset over? If she explained to him that she was uncomfortable with him paying for the date, he should have respected her wishes rather than coddle his ego.

And yet she couldn't pay for the meal because her bank card was declined. May have wanted that little piece of information to be known prior to the argument. I'm for women paying for a meal but sometimes it's a nice thing to do. I'm a man and have paid for my girl and guy friends meals out of hospitality and trying to be a good friend. Don't call me sexist because I try to be nice. Call me sexist when I say your place is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

lmmmr 0

I agree that this was not an instance of sexism, but rather hospitality. My boyfriend pays for my food sometimes, and I pay for his sometimes. Also, I never understood the reasoning behind the "barefoot" aspect of that saying. I can see being in the kitchen and being pregnant, but what purpose does being barefoot serve?

She needed to let him pay for his ego for the same reason boyfriends and husbands need to assure the women they love that they don't look fat in those jeans. Men have a greater need to feel like providers and women have a greater need to feel desireable and attractive. It's just the way it is. It's not politically correct, but it's the way nature set things up. Men with resources are more attractive, and that's why their egos in this arena should win-- if you like the guy and want to make him feel good. If you don't want a guy to call you again, refusing to let him pay for a date is a great way to go about it.

LostHope 0

R u serious?? u should of been pleased that he offered to pay the bill. He's a gentleman. That was sweet of him. U should of let him to do it. There is no sexism or anything like that. He probably likED you

Ringmaster1 0

YDI, there's no need for feminism anymore, you have equal rights now.