
By Anonymous - 17/03/2015 07:46

Today, my girlfriend dumped me. Not for cheating or for flirting, but because I wear tighty whities. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 263
You deserved it 22 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's great news OP, now you won't be with someone who is shallow and hurtful! You're going to find somebody who appreciates you and your choice of clothing very soon. Keep your chin up! With those kinds of values, she wasn't worth it anyway.

Keep rockin' them and don't change who you are . She will be jealous when you find another girl who loves them ! Good luck OP


Be happy she dumped you. Anyone who dumps you for a such a shallow reason should die alone with her 87 cats. you deserve better.

She'll soon find out that all men wear those from time to time.

If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. This is good advice both for dating and caring for "your boys"

born_hustla 26

Seems like she wanted to break up but didn't have the guts to do so...therefore she chose a stupid excuse.

How old are you?! If you are over 16 put some boxers on man come on.

She just wasn't that into you, OP. Now you are free to find a lady that loves your undies

Delsanity 13

Haha wow thats one big stupid excuse. Well keep using them haha , I still use them too.