
By missPiggy - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Norway

Today, a colleague found out that I struggled with anorexia when young. After ranting about how it's a silly 'Women's disease', he renamed me 'Miss Piggy' and made oinking noises every time I ate something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 759
You deserved it 2 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you contact HR so they can explain to him what he is doing is wrong.

How rude, some people don't seem to understand that Anorexia is a serious disease. Don't listen to him, he's a jackass obviously.


Hurt him back. Every time he or someone near him says 'small', 'tiny' or anything like that just laugh, "just like his dick".

Geckosrock99 33

Two wrongs don't make a right and OP can very well get reported instead.

Wow what an asshole. Go to your boss and complain about him. That is mobbing in a really bad way. What a stupid person

Well that's a simple write up... What a bitch...i sure hope some dirt comes up on her so she gets a taste of her own medicine

He sounds like a ******* ****. And remember to look after yourself cause you've come so far ?

that's horrible. You should definitely report him.

I wish I could hug you. On another note, how did he get the job, considering he is obviously a 7 year old boy.

No need to insult seven-year-old boys; this guy's just terrifically stupid.

**** that guy op, just ignore him and report him to HR.

You need to speak to an HR representative about the situation, he's acting very childish with such a serious situation I wish you well