Dicks aplenty!

By pranksonpranks - 14/09/2020 17:02 - United States

Today, my sister and I have been in a prank war. She spammed my phone with dozens of random dick pics from the internet. My boyfriend saw and accused me of cheating. Now he won’t talk to me, and my sister won’t help me explain things. Guess she won. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 625
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How exactly did she spam you with dick pics? If she just sent them to your phone, then won't she appear as the sender?

if they're from Google you can use reverse image search and prove all of them are fake. also it would seem odd to get a bunch of different looking dicks from the same number... unless your sister made a bunch of fake accounts/numbers and only sent one from each, even then there would be no convo history. regardless this seems fishy.


Why didn't you delete them immediately? Maybe your ex-boyfriend wasn't completely wrong.

if they're from Google you can use reverse image search and prove all of them are fake. also it would seem odd to get a bunch of different looking dicks from the same number... unless your sister made a bunch of fake accounts/numbers and only sent one from each, even then there would be no convo history. regardless this seems fishy.

How exactly did she spam you with dick pics? If she just sent them to your phone, then won't she appear as the sender?

Doesn't your "boyfriend" know what unsolicited dick picks are? Maybe he needs to know what "unsolicited" means.

Umm pranks are meant to be funny not degrading or demeaning or potentially ruin somebody's life in some way. that is just a cruel act not a prank. I think it's time for you and your sister to grow up.

tounces7 27

It's not a prank if it actually hurts someone's life, it's just being an asshole.

Your b/f is stupid. If she's sending it to you from one number then that's proof itself that you aren't cheating.

YDI for doing something as stupid as pranks wars

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

the cherry on top is when your sister starts hooking up with your ex boyfriend