Doggy style

By failuretolaunch2 - 26/02/2015 03:31 - United States

Today, my boyfriend managed to orgasm by humping my leg. I'm beginning to think I'm dating a puppy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 557
You deserved it 4 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he'll always be loyal if he's like a dog?


At least he'll always be loyal if he's like a dog?

I think OP's boyfriend just needs a bit of obedience training.

you mean all the fur and his tiny size didn't tip you off? YDI :P

So long as he doesn't go humping every thing that crosses his path like a dog when it's horny...

Haha poor you, i think The first times the pleasure wont last to long

Apparently it lasted long enough for the boyfriend ;)

taybear0 14

i know this fml sounds odd, but i think couples should be able to do weird and goofy stuff in front of each other. if my boyfriend did that, i'd really just laugh and go along with it

#6 I think it goes past "goofy" if he is orgasming from it....

tossaway2321 5

Not really, unless orgasming isn't a socially normal thing...

iLike2Teabag 27

Orgasming is normal, I've been told. I've also been told that teabagging is "normal", so take my advice with a grain of salt.

I agree #6, however. I'm saying when OP saw he was sexually pleasuring himself on her leg, and still let him, is a lot strange.

Lol my dad started humping my moms leg in front of me then pretended to ****** and "fell asleep" using my moms shoulder as a pillow. It was awkward

incoherentrmblr 21

Time to give a f**k... and f**k...

lifeofpie25 16

This doesn't make him "low". They may of been goofing around.

Oh_bother44 11

I thought they meant "low" as in low to the ground... For example my bf is taller than me which puts his dick height just below my hip so for him to hump my leg he'd have to be lower :P maybe they were cuddling/ on the sofa (or in bed) and the bf happened to be "lower"

A07 48

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

PerditaDessa 38

Awe, poor guy. It's not hard to get over excited. At least puppies are easy to train.

meli1195 31

he must think you're very good looking OP!

Good news for the future, if you're ever "not in the mood" he can just shut his eyes, hump a pillow, and still have a wonderful time.

Well humping a pillow does feel pretty damn good I'll admit.