Don't do it again

By Anonymous - 12/12/2021 23:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, at work, I was criticized for mentioning the actual subject of an email in the subject line, as well as using a text marker to make relevant information stand out. Apparently, this is confusing for some people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 970
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would be confusing. Legit emails begin with something like "Make you're PENIS for inches longer -- Without SURGARY!!!" That's how I know I'm not reading spam. Try it!

may sound weird, but plenty of things that make things more organized are hard for people to understand when looking at it. they need to go from simply reading the email for information to reading and thinking about the header and figuring out what the colors mean. sounds dumb, but if they aren't use to it or work in a sloppy company it is difficult to change. it is easier when you already do things to organize yourself, to pick this sort of thing out quickly. or they are lazy and hate change...


That would be confusing. Legit emails begin with something like "Make you're PENIS for inches longer -- Without SURGARY!!!" That's how I know I'm not reading spam. Try it!

may sound weird, but plenty of things that make things more organized are hard for people to understand when looking at it. they need to go from simply reading the email for information to reading and thinking about the header and figuring out what the colors mean. sounds dumb, but if they aren't use to it or work in a sloppy company it is difficult to change. it is easier when you already do things to organize yourself, to pick this sort of thing out quickly. or they are lazy and hate change...