Don't harsh our buzz, filthy human

By Ubehage - 06/01/2023 03:00 - Denmark

Today, I bought a huge 1kg bag of catnip and told the delivery driver to just leave the package inside the door. They then left me a soft plastic bag full of catnip. Guess who came home to two stoned cats and a messed up house… FML
I agree, your life sucks 331
You deserved it 1 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. All the neighborhood cats 2. Kevin McCarthy 3. Atticus Finch I'm sure I'm competitive in this game. I hope the prize can help with my New Year's Resolution. Sure could use a deluxe ice cream scoop!

tiptoppc 19

Lol. Just don’t give them real mint. Effs them up real good. Mine got aggressive after being given spearmint leaves.


1. All the neighborhood cats 2. Kevin McCarthy 3. Atticus Finch I'm sure I'm competitive in this game. I hope the prize can help with my New Year's Resolution. Sure could use a deluxe ice cream scoop!

tiptoppc 19

Lol. Just don’t give them real mint. Effs them up real good. Mine got aggressive after being given spearmint leaves.