Done for

By heathenhaha - 10/02/2017 20:21 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I became the center of attraction of my office floor after sending my resumé to my work Whatsapp group, asking them to share with their friends for job openings. My VP is owner of the group. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 704
You deserved it 6 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alternative-facts 6

You so deserve it! I have no sympathy for people who do easily avoidable things because they have the attention spans of gnats and can't take two seconds to actually think about their actions, and then write whiny, "poor-me" FMLs. Sack up, take some responsibility, and pay attention next time. Just sayin...

I don't understand why anyone would do this. Even if your VP wasn't admin of the group, do you really trust your coworkers enough for them not to tell the boss you're asking them for job opportunities somewhere else??


alternative-facts 6

You so deserve it! I have no sympathy for people who do easily avoidable things because they have the attention spans of gnats and can't take two seconds to actually think about their actions, and then write whiny, "poor-me" FMLs. Sack up, take some responsibility, and pay attention next time. Just sayin...

I don't see what's wrong with this? You were looking for openings within your place of employment?

It sounds like they were looking for an entirely new job, through their coworkers' friends.

I don't understand why anyone would do this. Even if your VP wasn't admin of the group, do you really trust your coworkers enough for them not to tell the boss you're asking them for job opportunities somewhere else??

Kaalschneid 21

I like how people are complaining about OP trying to get a better job, in this day and age where getting a good job is necessary. I don't know about WhatsApp, but Good for You for trying to get a better job! It's inappropriate and irresponsible for your employer to hold it against you (maybe not even legal, but regardless, not professional). Give OP a better job, or don't complain when they look for other opportunities! Good luck in the market, it's still not great.

alternative-facts 6

No one's blaming the guy for looking for a better job. More power to him if he can find one. However, you have to be pretty stupid to jeopardize your current job by telling your boss you're actively looking for a new job elsewhere--like the idiot OP did by broadcasting on whatsapp. It's the best way to get fired. And then, you have no job at all. In the U.S., there's nothing in the "rules" that says that an employer has to support an employee who's looking to leave. Most people are "at will" employees, meaning they can be fired at any time. That's why you keep your job search a secret, until you have secured a new position.

diisneygirl 2

You thought that was a good idea?

YDI. Even if the VP was not part of the group chat, you should not have announced it to everyone that you are looking for a new opportunity. Someone could have ratted you out, or used it as a form of blackmail if you upset them. It is also a very lame thing to do, to ask people to help you ask around for a new job. It seems to me you are hoping to land yourself someone through connections and not effort.