
By NotAnExcuse - 07/11/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, a woman on the train demanded I give up my seat for her, claiming it was for people with disabilities. Tired from a long day at work, and seeing she had nothing wrong with her, I asked what her disability was. Apparently, obesity is one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 616
You deserved it 2 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if she can walk back and forth to her fridge all damn day she doesnt need a handicap seat

As you just found out, stupidity is also a disability. A VERY common disability.


I don't care what the courts say or what the EEOC says. Obesity is not a disability. It just means you're extremely fat. The only disability I will grant them is the disability to maintain discipline.

We studied this in my good and nutrition class, and by the definition of disability (a physical or mental state which causes inability to do certain things) it IS. But that still sucks major.

KiddNYC1O 20

You're brave, man, she could've sat on you!

bigtime_rocker 11

Good god! It's not a disability, it's a self-induced state of misery to wich there is a cure: PUT DOWN THE ******* FORK!!! You got in to that weight by yourself and you have only yourself to blame!

ben10jammin 3

You pull a piece of gum out of your wallet crumple it up and throw it as far off the train as you can and watch her chase it.

winkydog4056 16

BMI is useless.....it doesn't factor in variables that most of us have. According to the chart, my height and weight calculate as 'obese'. I'm a size small - medium. That seems hardly obese....

I have been yelled at many times for sitting in those seats on the bus or the BART in Northern California. One very old lady stopped her car and screamed at me for parking in those spots that "Are for the elderly, young man!" I am 55 years old, AND lost my left leg below the knee. When I got out of the car she just huffed at me and drove off. I saw her again 5 minutes later in the store and got yelled at again because, apparently my "lazy ass" also took the last one of the stores Handicapped scooters. It seems she has never tried to push a shopping cart with one leg and on crutches.

softlikesunset 15

That is so ridiculous. I hate how older people assume that anyone younger than them is less deserving and more healthy/able than they are. They might be older, but it doesn't mean that there isn't someone younger who's in a worse condition than they are. I'm sorry that happened. That's so inconsiderate of her IMO.

You're probably lucky she didn't eat you...

adam_tajyar 10

If you think that's bad then you should see the fat people in wheelchairs who are then actually considered legally handicap cause their fatasses don't watch their calorie intake on what they eat

People these days... No hope for the human race..