
By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, I took my driving test. Completing the test, we returned and parked at the testing facility. As my tester was complimenting me, I leaned down to wind my window up, catching my long hair in the window. Frantically thrashing, I put the car in drive and floored it into a concrete wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 289
You deserved it 60 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....You shifted from park into drive because your hair was caught in the window?

How did you put the car into drive while in that position?! .. I hope you failed your test after that.


this has to be fake. a. you shouldn't have to lean down to put your window up b. it's nearly impossible to put the car in drive accidentally, you have to put your put on the brake, then press the button on the shifter to move it c. even if somehow you managed to accidentally do that, why would you then move your foot to the gas from the brake? d. if your hair got caught in the window, why would you thrash? wouldn't that pull your hair? could you not just open the window back up?

ohhhhshizzz 0

#41: why should a woman be in the kitchen since it is guys like you that make us go to work, we don't like being around you. And btw: most women have no time for that crap you know, with you guys being so lazy and all.

rootbeerfanatic 6

you retard and #41 you're a ******* asshole!

I'm calling bullshit on this one.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#54: step into the 21st century, most cheerleaders are actually smart. Every single cheerleader at my school is in AP classes and is in more than one club and all of them on student council. & no I don't go to private school.

i speak (mostly in sarcasm) about girls ability to drive, however i have been rear-ended 5 times in my school parking lot, guess which gender was responsible for all of them? on my way to a formal for my fraternity, my friends girlfriend drove, and scared the shit out of me. from my experience, girls are terrible drivers. if you think im a douche, **** off i don't care. most females i know are completely horrendous at driving and should not be allowed to.

whaddup_sir 0

Sorry, but for the most part, stereotypes are true. None of my girl friends can drive worth a damn. I VALUE MY LIFE!

chicabonita5683 0

Most of the guys I know are pretty bad drivers too, so I guess we are all horrible drivers. Every guy I know waits until he is right on someone's butt before he hits the brake...sounds like we are all a bunch of idiots then, huh.

#2 - sometimes it happens. I have a fear of roaches. The roach settled itself on my driver door handle after flying into my open window. I freaked out and when I want to throw the car in park, I accidentally slammed down on my gas and not my break, ramming into the guy in front of me. In my fear I didn't realize I was still holding down the gas (luckily he drove a much bigger stronger car... believe it or not, there was no damage) and kept drive into his car! I finally parked the car and threw myself out of the passanger side. I was lucky though. When the guy in front of me found out what happened (and saw me sobbing) he took care of the roach and told me not to worry about the minor scratch on his bumper.

Aflacduck 0