Fair enough…

By badboyfriends - 15/05/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, my best friend got a new boyfriend. She asked him what he wanted for his upcoming birthday, and he said he just wanted to hang out with her and watch a movie or two. I thought it was sweet, so I asked my boyfriend what he would like for his upcoming birthday. He said a blow job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 184
You deserved it 47 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i have a feeling that your boyfriend was the honest one...


#109 is right, OP im sorry your bf didnt give you the right answer you were looking for; for HIS birthday.

bread_fml 0

#147 A guy asking for a bj is normal, but for him to beg for one is pathetic.

I don't understand you girl wouldn't you like to have sex with your bf for your Bday???? why do we girls always have to pretend we don't like sex?? who doesn't?? he is just a normal person

Sad shit. **** your life for having an *average* boyfriend. Everyone here is right in saying that *most* guys have a one track mind like that, but if you're lucky you may happen upon a catch who respects you enough to both ask for what he wants, and care enough about you to do things to make you happy, such as be romantic. Or hopefully it comes natural for him. People say this kind of guy is not real; fantasy. ******' wrong. I'm that guy. I hope that you, or anyone else who reads this has enough sight to see these guys when they do come along, and have the guts to go after them. Sorry about him, maybe talk to him about it, let him know how you feel, if you decide he's worth it.

well he would only ask for that for his birthday since you're not giving him enough... ydi.

eagle20 0

haha thats something i woulda said

Them_fml 0

This is an FML? He just gave you a free pass to spend nothing on his present and do, what in most relationships, is a pretty run of the mill thing?.. People in relationships generally do have sex and do go down on one another every so often, if you don't enjoy the sex, then you have some serious issues with your relationship o.0

#152 - Oh, I'm sure you're that guy... not. I'd agree though that the whole statement where every man thinks only of sex is wrong. Where do you guys live? The dark ages? Still, it's the guy's freaking birthday and if that's what he wants... it definitely is not FML-worthy. I'd personally ask for the exact opposite, but then again, I'm weird like that and enjoy doing those things... could be due to lousy BJs in the past, but eh... And #115 - since when does foreplay mean dinner? Last I checked the definition of foreplay was: Sexual activity including caressing, touching, stroking, kissing, massaging, and other types of bodily contact that promotes sexual excitement (erection or vaginal lubrication). This type of sexual activity may or may not lead to ****** and does not necessarily lead to sexual intercourse. Additionally, I don't see a reason why I should spend my birthday the way my girlfriend wants me to spend it rather than the way I want to spend it. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me on the matter? Sure, I'd go out to a restaurant on my birthday, usually with a small circle of friends, girlfriend included... but if she asks me what she should get me for my birthday, the answer isn't going to be: "Let's go out to a restaurant"... true, it won't be "A *******" either, but I mean seriously... "Let's go and have a romantic dinner together"? WTF? And the other guy did ask for a movie, because he thought he had a chance for some form of sexual interaction. Otherwise, he would have asked for an actual gift. How is... "Come over to my place so we can sit and watch movies" a birthday gift anyway? Is the friend's presence really that much of a rare commodity that he needs a special occasion just to see her at his house for a movie?

Monstarred 7

You were plainly asking for that answer.