Fantasy world

By whathef???? - 13/02/2010 06:51 - Canada

Today, my husband and I were role playing to keep our marriage alive. His character was a deranged stalker while I was the helpless girl. My neighbor thought I was really being chased so she called the cops. Once they came we explained the whole story and got a fine for disturbing the peace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 858
You deserved it 7 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BigLostBear 0
kivkiv 2

finally a 1st that doesn't say FIRST!


cindy11052 0

Haha, that's hilarious. I have nothing more to say.

you role played because you had to keep your marriage alive? that's pretty sick. I can understand it when it's just for fun to try something new, but to keep your marriage alive? please go see a marriage counselor, or don't use misleading strong words.

i think it was ment as keeping things different once ur with someone so many Times u need to' apice Stuff up some how

this is hilarious! thankyou for making my day(:

you can get this fine cleared if you were inside your house. also you can sue the neighbor the peeping Tom as someone before called it.

smallmac17 0

i had something like that happen to me only i was in highheels (dont ask) saying im going to die my neighbor thought i was a sucicdal women

ladida94 0

Can't your neighbor be charged with being a peeping Tom? That's still illegal to look into someone else's home. It's callled invasion of privacy. Ignore all the little kiddies that haven't been married to know the purpose of this statement.