Fight or flight

By hannah - 17/02/2011 05:58 - United Kingdom

Today, my friend finally convinced me that if I picked up her cat it wouldn't scratch my eyes out. It peed on me instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 845
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lionandthelamb61 9

If she peed on you, it means she considers you her territory. Take the compliment. Beats having your eyes scratched out anyway.


Just be happy you're not the guy who picked up a kitty so ungently it shat all over him...Though that does suck, poor you...I hate cats, dogs are much better imo!

atomicJ 0

that's better than being scratched

macho4819 0

not even close lol ill take a scratch anyday >_<

You can get really sick from cat scratches.

lionandthelamb61 9

Yuck. Cats are so annoying. I'm with no.1 dogs are the best. send your friend the dry-cleaning bill. That cat pee must have an awful smell....

your lucking it didnt turn into a flying ***** and shit in your eye

If she peed on you, it means she considers you her territory. Take the compliment. Beats having your eyes scratched out anyway.

Dog guy here through and through...however I got a cat too. But I turned it into a dog so it's cool. Only scratches if you touch it's butt. I toss that cat around like a rag doll and he wants to be petted.

he tried something perverted... that went horribly wrong

Cats can sense evil. You probably just scared the piss out of it.