Fitness is overrated

By Frankie says relax - 10/12/2023 06:00 - United States

Today, I went to the gym for the first time in months. As I was on the treadmill, I accidentally hit the emergency stop button. In my attempt to play it cool, I tried to pretend it was intentional and yelled, "I've reached my fitness goal for the day!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 111
You deserved it 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here's a tip: Nobody at the gym cares what you do there. Nobody cares if you mess up (unless you hurt yourself). Just do your thing and go home when you are finished.

"Someone tell that weirdo to shut the **** up. I'm trying to rock these kettle bells." - the entire rest of the gym's inner dialogue


Here's a tip: Nobody at the gym cares what you do there. Nobody cares if you mess up (unless you hurt yourself). Just do your thing and go home when you are finished.

"Someone tell that weirdo to shut the **** up. I'm trying to rock these kettle bells." - the entire rest of the gym's inner dialogue