
By Anonymous - 20/07/2023 03:00 - United States

Today, I went clubbing. A girl I was dancing with leaned in with a disgusted expression and said, "God, it stinks! Someone keeps farting… I swear they've got IBS." It was me. I have IBS. I was farting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 693
You deserved it 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I walked through a raunchy fart cloud and we had a good laugh over how much it stank. my daughter drunkenly confided later that it was her wife

F everyone else's L because you neglected to put on your charcoal diaper!


I walked through a raunchy fart cloud and we had a good laugh over how much it stank. my daughter drunkenly confided later that it was her wife

F everyone else's L because you neglected to put on your charcoal diaper!