Gender bending

By DaddyDoesn'tLoveMe - 16/05/2022 22:00 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, at age thirty, my dad gave me the first compliment he's ever given me: "Remember to wash the pan out. Oh, and good job doing your chores and your mother's today." And everyone wonders why it took until last year for me to figure out I'm the same gender as this shitbag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 611
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're 30 and still living at home, you've got bigger problems

I'm guessing your dad isn't going to be complimenting you on your clear, concise writing anytime soon. "Great non-sequitur" is sarcasm, not a real compliment.


if you're 30 and still living at home, you've got bigger problems

wrenavery90 12

Why are you still living at home when you're 30???

if he's living in America, he probably can't afford to move out. my bf and I live with his parents.

I'm guessing your dad isn't going to be complimenting you on your clear, concise writing anytime soon. "Great non-sequitur" is sarcasm, not a real compliment.

So many disrespectful comments, I am almost 30 and still live with my parents. I have disabilities, people shouldn't be judging without understanding.